Know More About AI and its Application Examples

When OpenAI announced ChatGPT, the AI world seemed to have a massive and instantaneous boost. Numerous people use generative AI to ask random questions and some people even took it further to write essays for their school courses.

The hype surrounding ChatGPT stems from the fact that most people think AI is a new thing. Even though the technology itself has been around for decades. The massive use of the internet sure pushes the team behind the technology to come up with new features. 

AI Classes Based on Usage

  1. Narrow AI

Narrow or Weak AI is one of the most common types of artificial intelligence. It’s weak because it only has a single function. You can set your preferences, but they will work under a single context which you can’t use on other platforms.

This type of AI is very common and you can find it in many things. For example, predictive text on your phone’s keyboard and the computer brain when you play a game for two. They are using narrow AI, with specific and limited functions to work.

  1. General AI

This type of AI has a broader range than the weak one. It can accept and learn unfamiliar tasks and grow into a fully-functioned machine that will suit your needs. 

Several examples of Strong AI are the Assistant on your phones, Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa. You can “communicate” with them to tailor your preferences. They can do various tasks such as setting the alarm, playing music, taking notes, and even making a grocery list. 

The Siri on your phone has the same capability as Siri on your boss’s phone, but it will respond to you over several unique commands that you create.

  1. SuperIntelligent AI

Researchers dream of a super-intelligent AI that is complex and possesses better capabilities than humans. The idea is to have a super smart machine to cater to many fields. However, this super-intelligent AI is still speculative. Up to this day, it only exists in science-fiction books.

AI Classes based on Technology

In the AI world, different technology leads to different AI with different functionality. While some functions often co-exist in an item. But their primary use determines which technology to use. Knowing the technology will tell you what the AI can do to help you.

  1. Machine learning. 
  2. Natural language Process.
  3. Deep learning.
  4. Computer Visions.
  5. Robotics.

Should You Trust AI Much

AI technology sure has helped you a lot in many life aspects. You can type without making any mistakes, dictating your notes, calculating your expenses, and many other menial jobs. 

But AI also comes with a price as you may share some of your personal information. And people with knowledge of how to exploit the data may do something to harm you. Therefore, you need to stay cautious and protect your data.Today, there is no escaping AI technology. You need to keep up and start learning and understanding what they do. Even though technically they are still in the trial phase, most AI already provides massive help for daily lives.

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