7 Business Ideas for Students 

Students are already struggling with their income and expenses. The overall living cost surely doesn’t make it even better, Therefore, they need to come up with new ideas on what businesses they can do. 

Keep in mind tutoring is a job, not a business. As a student, you must be thinking of what you can do for your future. There are always drop shipping options, but it’s only a temporary business because the competition keeps getting fiercer. You must find one business that speaks to your passion. 

7 Business that Even Students Can Do 

  1. Event Organizer

Starting this business requires a large connection. This can be one of the businesses that don’t require much capital to start. Of course, having a capital is always good. But your network and reputation in organizing are worth more. 

  1. Graphic Design

It has become an umbrella term for designing a poster, picture, Instagram post, and many more. However, starting as a graphic designer means you need to understand all of the basic skills before specializing in one. This business is very lucrative because you may land a contract with brands and individuals.

  1. Photography

Yes, you have to be good at taking photos to start this business. But you can also keep it very low cost, by only using your phone. You can take short courses on photography to improve your skills. As for the promotion, use your social media profile to get the attention.

  1. Crafts

Crocheting, sewing, and any other crafts can be a business that works for students. Anyhow, this business can be very time-consuming. So you must be aware of what you can do and be good at time management. 

  1. Pet Sitting

You can turn pet sitting into a business by organizing multiple sitters in one go. But of course, you need to have the experience as a pet sitter to know all of the necessary skills. For example, you can approach the pets with confidence. And you also understand what they can and cannot eat. 

  1. Copywriting

Being a copywriter is a job, managing and organizing copywriters or starting a company is a business. Most people in this business start by freelancing before starting the venture. You can do the same and push your skills even further by taking up brands and working with media.

  1. Thrift Sellers

If you enjoy fashion and looking for thrift clothes, you will love hunting vintage items to sell to your customers. You need to have a good eye to spot a gem in the thrift store. One way to do this business is by becoming a stylist first. But you also can do it by randomly going to thrift stores and checking their items out based on what you think your friends will love. 

Starting a venture is all about finding your voice and your passion. As a student, you sure have several limitations on what you can do. But when you have the passion to improve yourself and get to do it for life.

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